Elder Chase Judd
Mexico Vera Cruz Mission
April 2008 - April 2010
Well we helped this couple get married, their name is the family Ballesteros. On Saturday we went and talked to them they want to be baptized, but the husband has to wait 3 months before he can, he needs to have faith and truly truly repent of things and obey all the commandments. So we talked to her and she wanted to wait for her husband, lame!!! So anyways that just made our day terrible to start off because we had been working so hard just to get them married and her to be baptized on Saturday so yep, that day was pretty long and hard. Well yesterday we were at church and they showed up and after sacrament meeting my comp was all, go talk to them I said OK what should I say and he said just talk to them. I still have problems translating words in my head so anyways, I asked how their night was and how they were doing and if she wanted to get baptized yet?! Guess what she said? I want to get baptized today!!!! It was awesome I love miracles it will truly bless her family for her sacrifice and the Holy Ghost will help to guide her family. Well anyways my companions name is Elder Lopez he is awesome. Oh yeah we were walking down to the lagoon and I saw this fat green thing it was a huge Iguana wow!!!! I am really tan and I am getting freckles from being out in the sun all day.. Well anyways none of our investigators want to come to church they are all lazy. Who knows!! I have made so many friends here it is awesome I love it here, it is such a great experience.. Transfers are tomorrow and I am staying here woo hoo with my same companion. Well until next time peace!!!
Elder Judd
Anziano Scott Ball
Everything is going good in Treviso. I'm currently resting due to a injury I sustained while playing soccer. So, I was playing soccer with some kids that are part of a part-member family. About half way through the game, I get blocked by a kid and I make a quick super turn. While I'm making this turn my foot is pushing off the ground and I hear a "CRRRACCCK!" and then I fall over and do a few rolls. (Another note is that I made the goal, but anyways* back to the story) I couldn't walk on it after that and then we went to eat at a member's house. I get home and call the president's wife and she calls the doctors. Then she calls me back and tells me that I probably just tore some ligaments. This whole time I am fearing what I would do if I broke it. So, for the next week, I can't move it that much. I have a brace that I'm wearing for the time being. It sure scared me thinking of the possibilities of going home or working in the mission office, but I just staying here for now =). I have to wear this freaking brace for 4 weeks though. So while I'm resting, we have received 4 referrals and I'm freaking amazed! I just received my first referral from Salt Lake City! It is amazing that we get referrals because usually we don't get anything for 2 transfers. It has been really hot the past few days. It isn't the hot that you think about in Arizona or California, but a humid hot. It is terribly awful. My companion is taking 2 showers a day and we just sit in front of 4 fans. Since I hurt my foot, (which by the way is doing better now) I have been stuck in the house studying the gospel and the language.. while my companion naps. heh. We have some great investigators this transfer and we just extended a baptismal invite to Justina yesterday. She accepted, but doesn't know if she will be in town for that time. So, we might have to move it. We have received 3 referrals during this past week that I've been out of order. It is a great blessing! We contacted those referrals (2 of them being from Utah... Salt Lake City..SLC) and they were ecstatic to meet with us. Next week we will have appointments with them. I might be transferred next week depending on the Lord. It sounds like my time to be transferred, otherwise I'm going to stay here a while. I hope Heavenly Father has a nice comfy city picked out for me. heh. I almost know that he won't send me to one because he knows that I'm hard headed and that I need another tough city to straighten me out. CIAO CIAO, Anziano Ball
Elder Daniel Anderson
Hello everyone. As some of you may have heard, I have been fighting my stomach problems over the past month. Right now I am sitting in my office at home* The last week has been extremely heart breaking and emotional for me. I received a call Monday night from my Mission President telling me that I would be released Wednesday August 6. I only had a couple days to deal with the Horrible realization that I was going home! Going home has been one of the hardest challenges I have had to face in my life. I loved being a missionary out in the service of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for the last 10 months. This last week has left me a little shell shocked, I have been confused, angry, upset, excited, nervous, but towards the end I have felt at peace. I have felt the many prayers from you and your families and I am grateful for all the support. The hardest thing for me to learn on my mission was that sometimes our will, no matter how strong it is, sometimes doesn*t match our Father in Heaven*s but I do know that he will ALWAYS be there for us as we trust in him and strive to have a *Perfect brightness of hope.* I love all of you and wish you the best with all of your struggles on your mission. Work hard, Magnify the Spirit within you so that others will recognize it, and call down the miracles from heaven. I have seen them so many times in my mission and my life, and I know that angels truly are watching out for you and preparing people for you. One last piece of advice, be YOURSELF and do YOUR best! Love always, Daniel
Elder Grant Huish
hey everybody. i am sad to inform you that i am such a crappy missionary that i have already been released as a district leader. yeah i know pathetic. interestingly enough at 9 months(the length of a pregnancy) i got myself a boy. his name is elder liljenquist. when i found out i was training i though i was going to train devin smartt but i guess not. other than that it is pretty much the same ol stuff. things are starting to pick up a little bit here. the summer seems to be coming to its close though. we hade our first rain in about a month the other day. i quite enjoyed it to say the least. i hope things are going well for the rest of you. and well, no major news other than that so i will just leave you with this. well actually i couldnt think of anything to say here so yeah thats it. love, grant
Elder Gary Chambers
Hey Girls! This month has been LOADS better... Something got into my comp and now we've been leaving the house regularly! Hip Hip.... It's fun. There's lots of things I wish I could change still, but we're improving, and that's whats important.... And he only has 3 weeks left so.... screw him! Who needs to go home anyways... psht! So overrated. Now that we've been leaving a lil bit more often, I don't have tons of time to play the guitar I bought to pass the time in the house, but thats ok, I sneak in a few minutes here and there. we've been teaching a family or two who have been the key to keeping my comp alive out here... if it wasn't for them, I don't know what I'd do. The funny thing is, we found them on a comp exchange... I wasn't even there for the first appointment. He was walking around with his kid who also happens to double as our District Leader... and his kid managed to convince him that contacting isn't so bad... so they started contacting, and almost immediately, they found this amazing family! THANK YOU LORD! So yeah, we've been out and about lately.
Something silly happened just the other day... We were just invited in to a members house, and as we were sitting down, he offered us juice (it was a hot day). So my comp quickly agrees to the idea and 5 minutes later, ice cold juice was in front of our faces. I sipped it (it had a wierd color) and decided it wasn't so bad, then peered over the brim of my cup to see the uninterested look on my comps face. He asked if I liked it (in english... it's like code talking over here) and I said I did. His obvious response that he didn't gave me an idea. I asked, "Should I quickly drink mine so that we can swap cups before he turns around?" He smiled and said, "Hurry!" I quickly threw down my glass and we hurriedly, but silently, exchanged glasses. Not 5 seconds later the generous old member turned around from the fridge to see my comps glass empty and me sipping mine... Unfortuneately for my comp, there was more juice. "Oh you must be thirsty!" he said turning back to the fridge to retrieve the pitcher of juice. I busted out laughing while my comp tried to reject the approaching pitcher... but to no avail. He ended up just laughing along with me while the old man refilled his cup, it was hilarious.
Well, I hope all you guys are having a blast out there in the world... And Max, I really hope you treasure your Taco Bell joint, because out here... Crunchwrap Supremes are only found in my dreams (Yes, ryhm intended.... wha WHA!). Take care my loves! Gary
Elder Jimmy Miller
Salutations.I can't believe how ridiculously fast time flies in between writing these things. well this last week has been excellent. I had the privilege of seeing zone leader Elder Jones at mission conference. After some training and such we got to play sports and we played some pretty intense dodgeball. i nearly had my head taken off a few times. but mostly i'm a hard target to hit because if i turn sideways i'm invisible. well except for my now protruding gut. yes. i'm fat. Danbury continues to be excellent. Transfers is coming up so we'll see if i get the privilege of being here another cycle. That could be sweet. I do like having a car. But that's probably why I'm so fat. The work here is so awesome. Right now its kind of fun because every single investigator we have smokes. i think that the whole smoking is bad for you thing wasn't taught much in Danbury. Everyone smokes like a chimney. But they're awesome people. We finally got someone at church the last couple of weeks. We had a short dry spell but i think its over. We're so excited. We're teaching the husband of a member. I been going over to their house since I came to Danbury and only now is he opening up and being receptive. Never lose faith. Some people just take some time.Logan! Glad to hear you're headed back out man!! That's awesome. Hit the ground running!Keep spreading the good word!!Love Elder Jimmy Miller
Elder Logan Wells
Okay well here it is I am finally back into the field Idon't mean finally but Iam so glad to be here it has been awesome to come back to say the least. I am back here in Puerto Rico I got put into an area called Guaynabo with another latin companion, who is awesome and I love very much. Believe it or not he is more random than me which is hard to believe because that just doesnt happen very often. I am super excited because I got put into the area of my second cousins who are non members, so you never know what can happen. Hopefully the best. Man things are so crazy I am grateful for this opportunity that I have to serve and be in the work again! I know that this is where the Lord wants me to be and I wouldn't have it anyother way.. I had a had an amazing experience this week. I went on trade offs with the a ZL, Elder Howell from Kansas. We had been working hard all day long, we were at the point to either take a break to eat because we were waiting for a member. We just kept going and talk to people. Elder Howell decieded we would contact a old investigator who was almost baptized, but took another route, and it never happened. We stoped by and she shared with us on how her nephew had just passed away, so we all shared stories. I shared a story about my Grandma, because I did not know her too well, but I know that I will someday, because this is possible thru the plan of salvation, that God created for us. It was way cool, the spirit was so strong. We talked and talked, I asked her how she felt when she read the B.O.M., and she said that it was a very special feeling, one that she could not explain very well. We told her that, that is the spirit testifying of the truthfullness of it all. We extended a baptismal invite, and she accepted, so we gave her a date. She was so happy, and you could really tell. It just shows that the Lord knows what is going on, and that everything is possible, you just never know what the Lord has in store for you and that his hand is in this work, and it is true! I know that all is going to be well and the Lord will bless me for this descion that I have made! Well I love you all! Love, Logan
Elder Max Crandall
Gentlemen – que tal? Things are pretty crazy around here. We had transfers and I’m still in Seattle! On bikes! Depression! Just kidding. But due to this bike thing, I have lost enough weight that my Mr. Mac tracting slacks are sliding off my manly hips. Here’s something to be sad about though – they took my son away from me. I’m sort of upset. He’s not ready to “leave the nest.” My son, Elder Guillen, and the other greenie from last transfer, Elder Cordada, switched places. My old companion, Elder Cole, and I were tearing up the neighborhood but then last transfer, Pres. Showalter split us up and gave each of us one the greenies. I was doing my best to mold and shape young Elder Guillen into missionary extraordinaire and my old friend, Elder Cole, was doing the same for Elder Cordada. But I guess the Pres. felt it was best to flip flop them. I’m not sure why. Maybe they didn’t want me corrupting a greenie for more than one transfer. So on to Elder Cordada. He’s from San Diego, he’s short, he’s Hispanic, he speaks Spanish very well and he’s pretty cool. He’s no gauchito but he’s a great little Mexican and no one could replace my son, so I love him. My Spanish is improving, slowly but surely. It’s hard to keep it up when we’re not teaching a ton of Spanish speaking people. The ward we’re serving in is rather odd. It’s pretty darn poor, and it’s basically split into two groups. The old-timers who have been here for 4352.6 years and all of the young student couples going to college. The young guys tend to move in and out pretty quick too, which is hard on the ward. Because of this, and other obstacles, our ward actually used to be kind of anti-missionary work. Since I’ve been here, I’ve been trying to kiss major butt and get people pumped about missionary work. It’s actually starting to work, almost three months later. It’s way exciting but my lips are sore, figuratively speaking. Last transfer, Elder Guillen and I were able to baptize a gal named Illeyanna LaTorres. She’s a little bit of a wingnut but she is very spiritual and sweet. She had a really hard time quitting smoking. I don’t think I realized how hard it is to stop smoking until my mission. It’s about the most difficult thing in the world, in my semi-ignorant opinion. Since Illeyanna’s been baptized, she’s had a lot of awesome spiritual experiences. It’s been really cool. We’re also working with this one 22 year old guy named Brandon. A couple days ago we called him to set up an appointment and he said, “Sorry bro, I’m headed to Vegas. Ya know, gonna do some gamblin’, some recreational drugs…it’s gonna be sweet.” By the way, we haven’t gotten to the Word of Wisdom with him yet. Sheesh. It was funny how forward he was about it though. People here in Washington are either nice, slightly rude or apathetic. There are about 79% more apathetic people than any other category. I heard Washington has the lowest church attendance rate in the nation and the highest teen pregnancy rate. So basically I guess they don’t like to leave their bedrooms…oh, that was terrible and I’m sorry. Well, in closing, a little side note – both Elder Josh Ostler and Elder Jason Klingler from MVHS are zone leaders in my mission now and I see them every once in a while. I give Elder Ostler a little bigger of a hug, ‘cause I like him more. A lot more. But I’m not queer. Carry on Elders. I am so grateful to know what I know and I will never be ashamed of it. I would yell it from on top of a mountain if I thought anyone would hear.
Word to “the word” – Elder Crandall
Elder Brock Smith
What up M_town Bros.Wow the time is flyin by way to fast, by the time you all get this I will be down to my last 6 months. Crazy..... I am still pumped about the work, and am excited with my new comp. We have sat allot of goals and are working hard. I want to go out strong, and I am sad the time is going by way to fast. I never thought I would say that.I am now on Oahu, and it is said that once you come back on this Island and have 6 months or less you stay on this island, but it will be fine if that is what the lord wants Me to do. I feel like I wish would Have worked so much harder I could have done so much more... Well learn from Me do not let any moment pass you by, it will be over before we all thought it ever would. work hard. and serve well. Daniel and Logan God speed be with you. I will continue to pray for you.You know that song Big yellow taxi, You don't know what you got till its gone..... I am begin to feel that out here, I just want to finish strong. I love hearing how the rest of you are doing. You all seem to be doing great. We have some people we are teaching right now, and things look good, The book of mormon is such a powerful book, it is the book that just keeps on giving.......peace for now.. Remember B.Smooth, B. Sexy, B. Smith
Elder Jeff Stoker
Dear brothersHows it going? So like all other months, it has been pretty crazy. I have been sick for about two weeks. So i thought that i was starting to feel better, but this week i was way sick. My stomach is killing me. I have been talking with the doctor about every other day. Things are starting to look up though. I am pretty sure that things will be back to normal very soon, so dont worry. This week we have been blessed big time. So One time while we were outside contacting, we found two new investigators, and taught them with a member present that day. It was pretty nuts. It is amazing how things can just flip around like that. I have been going to exchanges with my district recently so if i do feel bad, my companion doesnt have to sit in with me all the time. So there are a bunch of rumors going on right now about Russia. So all i know right now is that Americans are not being sent to Russia any more for the time being. Our mission president told us that the Area Presidency has already been working it out though. So things will end up working out. He also said that We will continue to serve here until our assignment is up. Within the next two weeks i will be going to Czech Republic to get my Visa renewed, and i am way excited. So it is already week 6 of the cycle, and time is going by way fast. There is also a rumor that Elder Hinckley will be coming and speaking to missionaries this week. So we are waiting to see what our mission president says about that. Things are going good though. Keep working hard. I love to hear about everyone. It is crazy to read all the experiences. We are all serving a mission, but it is amazing to see how one mission varies from another. Love ya. toodles.Elder Jeff Stoker
Elder Garrett Jones
Salutations!OK, before I begin this month's update I just have to say that this is the first one of these I have actually written. Every other time my mom has just cut and pasted little comments I've made through the month from weekly letters she's gotten. Mom, you know I love you dearly, but you dull everything down from me. This hopefully will be a bit better than my other stuff has been. The work here in New Rochelle has been amazing. It's a lot different than my last area in the Bronx, but it's great in its own right. Let me just say for those of you who caught that in last month's newsletter. Ha Ha Wha! Suckers, I have reached the feared, respected, and ultimately sweet position of zone leader. How? I have absolutely no idea. To be honest I was sad when I got called to be DL and sadder to be ZL. I have absolutely no free time. What little free time you have now during that 10:00-10:30 time, treasure it. I exhort you! This past month included my humpday, which was almost an out of body experience for me. It's scary how fast time has gone past. It feels like yesterday that I was hanging out with you all in Max's shed and eating all his cereal in the morning and then going over to Jeff's to eat all his left over Halloween candy from two years ago. Ah good times. One quick story before I go. Yesterday I went to Connecticut (It's a part of our mission, I swear) to bring some investigators to their wedding. I saw my first wedding! It was so sweet! Because they're illegal they can't get married in NY. Hooray for CT! Well the church is true, life is great as the Lord's servant. Hope all is well with everyone. Daniel, I'm sure we're all praying for you buddy. Keep on keepin' on. Love and kisses, Garrett