Thursday, June 12, 2008

June 2008 News

Elder Daniel Anderson

California Sacramento Mission
(Mhong Speaking)
October 2007 - 2009

What*s up ELDRO*S? So I actually wrote this newsletter out old school like (on paper and not e-mail) so ya*ll best be proud. CALIFORNIA is tight. I*m still in the hood of Stockton but I love it. Everyone is all gangsta-like with their 209/NorCal gear. (209 is the area code here*I don*t know so don*t ask why it*s cool, but it is.) I*m with a Native right now named Elder Yang, but by the time we all get this newsletter I will be training a new white boy how to speak Hmong! Who would*ve thought I*d be training at 7 months? Not me for sure. I*m still struggling with the language but the Lord is helping me and will continue to, as this continues to push me. I have learned that the more you push your comfort zone and your limits and begin to make sacrifices in your mission the more the Lord blesses you with miracles and prepares you for future tasks. Working with Asians is hard work; it takes awhile to see results sometimes, but I*m starting to see some from hardcore miracles! Right now we have 9 firms and my head feels like it*s about to explode! I*m still not the best at the whole senior companion thing, so I don*t really know how to stay on top of this many people, but it*s super neat seeing elect people just pop up and fall right into your lap. The church is true no matter where you are and I have a neat experience to work in a branch of Hmongs, Laos and Cambodians and it doesn*t matter if people pray or bear testimony in a language I don*t understand, because the Spirit is still there and testifies of the truth they are speaking. I love all of you and am grateful for your examples over the years. Now let*s get out there and show Satan what the Lord*s Army is really made of!!! Love Always, Daniel *Vang*

Elder Mike Kleinman

Hey everyone!I probably wont have much time to write you all today since we are EXTREMELY busy this week with transfers. Anyway, its starting to get really cold now here in cordoba. or maybe its just a cold front I dont know anymore. Well, the office going pretty good, we are making a lot of changes in how things function here. We are also seeing a whole ton of miracles when it comes to improving the mission! Our baptisms are still on schedule for the 7th, hope everything works out! So can you guys believe we are getting a THIRD new temple in Pheonix on top of the other two that were just announced?! I think Pres Monson s trying to win some brownie points with arizona. Just kidding, it was long overdue I think. Well, I am very happy to hear you all are doing well! Till next month my brothers, Ciao Elder Kleinman

Elder Jeff Stoker

I cant believe that it is June already. Summer is here. Here in Russia, it has definately been warming up. What makes it worse is that we have to be in Coats for most of the day. And what makes it even worse than that, is no air conditioning. AHH! This last week it has been raining really hard. It is fun to go contacting when it is pouring outside. everyone probably thinks that we are crazy. This last week we have found a new investigator that comes to english club. My companion and I are really trying to work hard with him, because my companion only has 3 weeks of his mission left. We have definately been blessed as of recently. We have two really good investigators. We are planning on setting a baptismal date soon with one of them. SoI want to tell a funny story that happened this morning. My companion got the hiccups this morning right before we went outside. It turns out his hiccups are WAY loud. so when we were outside, on buses, and in stores, he would hiccup way loud, and everyone would stare at us. It was way funny. It has stopped now, but I wish that we could have gone contacting when he had them. Well, I am trying to get used to this new schedule that my mission president gave us. It is wierd with everything being switched around, but I am sure that i will get used to it soon. My comp and I are really trying to work hard, and keep busy. My companion isnt looking forward to going home. Which is way good for me, because he is a good example. Elder Jeff Stoker

Elder Jimmy Miller

The Lord is so merciful! These last 2 weeks have been amazing!! So two weeks ago we got a media referral for a girl named Amanda. And for a while we couldn't get a hold of her so one day we randomly stopped by her house and she was home. We taught her about the Restoration and she accepted a baptismal date for June 15th right then. And we found out she's the girlfriend of an inactive guy in our ward so we're hoping to reactivate him through this. Then a few days later we got a media referral for a lady named Kim and we found out she's the daughter of an inactive sister. We've taught her a few times, she's awesome and really has a desire to gain her own testimony. This work is amazing but it goes by too fast. Danbury, CT is getting HOT and HUMID and its totally not cool. This Mother's Day was cool, I got to play guiter for the Spanish Branches Mother's Day party. Not sure how I got volunteered but it was fun. Anywho. Love You All! Bon dia! Elder Jimmy Miller

Elder Grant Huish

hey everybody, how goes it? things here in oregon are pretty wet. the work has slowed down significantly since the baptism a couple of weeks ago and we are doing a whole lot of "finding" activities. i would probably describe them more as searching activities. it is increasingly difficult to keep my companion motivated because all we have left is tracting the rich nieghborhoods which is a pain in itself plus he goes home on the 5th so hes getting a little trunky. luckily he is still willing to work he just complains alot. so the other day me and my companion used our combined efforts to totally counfound this old anti guy who thought he was soooo smart it was fantastic. well first of all this guy was evil he told us that the only reason he was talking to us was so that we couldnt be knocking on other doors and leading people astray to which i replied well trust me we will knock every door anyway but then later on in the conversation he was talking about how there is no tangible evidence that the book of mormon is true. it is just a good science fiction novel(this made me quite angry as you may well have guessed) so i replied to him where is your physical proof that jesus christ is your savior. as you can imagine there was a pause after this question and an unpleasent look in his eye, man that was a great moment. i know we arent supposed to bash but i think some people just need to be told whats what whethere they listen to it or not. well i hope you have all enjoyed my story and i wish you all the very best. keep up the good work, dont bash, and remember the church is true boys its so very true!

elder huish

Elder Brock Smith

Wow bros,Time wen get even fastah cuz I dont know whats up,the time between letters seems to be getting faster and faster maybe cuz my time out here is running out quick its whack man. Well things are going good here in the islands im still in waimea which is good and still DL which Im starting to get more used to, not quite so much stress,We also got a new Zl which is so much cooler than the last one I know him from Maui so thats pretty sweet. We got a greenie in the district now he's pretty chill hes Korean but from New Zealand so he talks with like an English accent which really through me off. Anyway this month is going to be a rockin one our goal of 100 baptims in the Month as a mission, I know will finally be achieved we just have to keep it going is all which I have confidence that we can do it and I know that we can. The Lord is truly pouring out his spirit over these islands and we are seeing many blessings in our behalf. It sounds as if you all are keeping pretty busy Daniel already being a senior compa and Mike being a flippin office Elder thats nuts man Im glad I know that I dont have enough time left for that to happen to me, maybe I can even dodge the zl card I hope but will see what the next transfer holds that will be the clincher transfer so we'll see. I hope that all you mammas boys had fun talkin to your mommies cuz I sure did. But that About it for me now catch you all on the flip side Peace out! ahnyeong! B Sexy B Smooth B Smith

Elder Garrett Jones

Hey gang! I finally got a companion after five weeks as the "third wheel." My new companion, Elder Sanders is from West Virginia and we are having a great time working together. The area here in Olstead (our section of the Bronx) is in definite need of some work which I am really excited to get out and do. I can once again get out and work in Spanish all day long. We've had some successes with teaching and setting baptismal dates. We also had one unpleasant experience where a baptism date was cancelled after the man's "pastor" was there and told us to get lost in a not very nice way. Sadly, our investigator looked like a statue standing behind the pastor, but everyone has their agency. We have several other baptism dates set. Sunday I gave my first three baptismal interviews. Take care everyone. The church is true! Garrett

Elder Scott Ball

Ciao,We are doing great here in Treviso. We are gaining a new investigator every week and that is pretty good for the standard. We had a cool experience yesterday. We were doing House to House (Casa in Casa as we call it), knocking on doors and everyone just thinks we are Jehovah's Witnesses or they don't want to hear about it (it*s like this always). So we are going along and we see a guy and his son leaving and the wife is there waving them away. So, we start talking to the woman (as the husband leaves) and she invites us in and just that was a really big shock (as in NO ONE INVITES US IN). So, she is interested and tells us that she was studying with the Jdubs also. She tells us that she is searching for the truth. We teach a lesson about the plan of salvation and she says that she will read our pamphlet. She said we were lucky, because if her husband was there, he would have kicked us out. Only because he doesn't want to have anything to do with religion. I hope she reads it.We also gained a really awesome African investigator from Cameroon. He accepts everything we give to him and the amazing part is that he calls us RATHER than us calling him. We were asking him for referrals, but he said the only one he knows is this friend of his. She had a bad experience with a Jdub and doesn't want anything to do with religion. This lady's friend was in the hospital and needed blood from someone else. So she offered her blood to help this friend, but there was a Jdub that said that she would go to hell if she gave blood. She gave her blood and the Jdub cursed her or something like that. So we hope that she gets over that and starts talking to us.Vi voglio tanto bene. Anziano Ball

Elder Gary Chambers

Wow is it just me or is it hot in here! I can't tell if I wet myself, or if I'm just sweating in my pants (with a bladder as weak as mine, you can never tell). Constanza is now in the dust!... as of today.... and I've been re-positioned right next to the big city of Santiago in a sweet lil joint called Navarette! So far, as today is my first day, I think I like it. My new comps name is Elder Harding, a stud from Idaho who turned down a bunch of basketball scholarships to come out to this rock and Preach the Gospel! YOU GO GIRL! Hahaha... no but he's cool. First downside is that it's hot now :(... the second is that my Dominican girlfriend is no longer living just across the street (long distance relationships suck). However, there is a bright side or two! No more "2 hours down the mountain" crap anymore! WOO HOO! also, the people here in Navarette LOVE the missionaries... so when you want anything, you just call the restaurant, or colmado and tell them what you want. 5 minutes later, they're knocking at your door with a hot delicious Dominican meal, or that Ice cold soda you wanted, FREE of delivery charge! Wow... is that white power or what! Not to mention that everything is way cheaper than anything Constanza ever had... I think I'm going to like it here :) the House is a lil bit messy, but I think theirs a phone number for that (just kidding, I'm not that lazy). I've really enjoyed your guys' entries... like Grants in-ability to see mail box posts in the dark... haha that story made me giggle. Hey Max, siga con el espanal muchacha! Es deficil al principio, pero con tiempo, puede hablar como los Mexicanos! Eso es mi meta... Me encanta los mexicanos. Haha Chase, I don't know why, but ever since I found out you were going to Mexico, the image of you and your dirty mustache keeps running through my mind and I laugh every time. Well, I'll be sure to let you all know how the area is here once I know... Until then, keep it real, and do your best. Con Amor (como siempre), Elder Chambers (aka Mr. Churia)

Elder Max Crandall

Happy Mothers and Fathers Day to all Moms and Dads. Things here in Washington are ever changing. Last time we spoke I was serving in a really small town called Monroe with a great missionary named Elder Cole. We had a car, we had a great apartment with a dishwasher, microwave, a washer and a dryer and a really good vacuum, and Elder Cole and I were really getting to be great friends. We even got along with the other missionaries in the zone swimmingly. It was the good life. Well, last Saturday, the 17th, we got our transfer calls. The zone leaders told us that there was only one missionary that was getting transferred. That was great by me because I was glad to have another six weeks with Cole. This was surprising because the only companion I*ve stayed with for longer than six weeks was my first companion. Everyone else has only been for one transfer. I think all the moving is due to the Spanish Elders being new to the mission. Anyway, we all thought life was hunky dory and we were gearing up for the new transfer. Then on May 20th, the day of transfers, President Showalter called Elder Cole and myself and asked both of us to be trainers. The mission knew that there were two Spanish Elders coming to the mission but they were scheduled to come next transfer. Well, since they both already spoke Spanish and English, they only had to stay in the MTC for three weeks instead of nine so they came early*but no one informed SLC or our mission. So President Showalter told me to pack my bags, I punched a wall (just kiddin*) and we headed off for the mission home. We all stood as the greenies walked in; five elders and one sister (who was actually named Sister Elder*). They started to introduce one of the greenies, saying he loves cars and working on them and he likes to play football. Then they said, *Your trainer will be Elder Crandall.* I walked down to the front to greet him; we embraced and I whispered, *Mi gauchito,* in his ear.* His name is Elder Ricardo Guillen. He is from Utah, he*s really great and I*m happy to be with him. We are serving in the Greenwood area which is on the edge of our mission, just above Seattle. In fact we are actually in Seattle. By the way, WE*RE ON BIKES!!!!!$%@#&. Our area is huge and we have Spanish investigators outside of our area. I suppose my tushie will recover one day. Oh, also, how cool is this? On May 31st we get to go hear Elder M. Russell Ballard, of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, speak! I*ve been reading about Ammon * *I will show forth my power unto these my fellow-servants, or the power which is in me, in restoring these flocks*that I may (1) win the hearts of my fellow-servants, that I may (2) lead them to believe in my words.* What a great insight! You can tract all day long and preach repentance but if people don*t think you care about them, they probably won*t listen to you. You gotta warm them before you warn them. I*m a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints because I know this message has the power to bless the lives of everyone on this planet. I know that Jesus Christ is our Savior and that He lives. I am so grateful to know what I know and I am eternally grateful for the opportunity to share that knowledge with the people in Washington. Vos amo mucho * Elder Crandall P.s. Hey Logan * (hit chest twice, show peace sign) Word to my homedawg. Prayin* for ya.

Elder Logan Wells

Well hello there! To say the least things have been nothing but normal let me tell you. As most of you know, I returned home on the 14th of May.It has been so weird to be home. I have had x-rays, MRI's, and Doctors appts. I am having surgery on my knee on the the 16th. I have fasted and prayed and feel at peace with the decision to be home, but know that I miss being a Missionary and the people in Puertro Rico. I know in my heart that my mission is not complete. It is my prayer that I will have a speedy recovery and be able to return to Puerto Rico. For those of you wondering what the Valley View Ward is like... let me tell you it sucks.. ha ha. I absolutely hate it, beside the fact that I am so used to the spanish people, the love they give, and a small branch. So with that being said, I am happily serving in the Arboldea Branch as a missionary, visiting the inactive. I am also enjoying movies, music ,tv and visiting with friends. Thanks for the support and love! Peace, Logan

Elder Chad Dewey

Hello Everyone,Another week in the MTC. Here are the happenings for this week…I got a new companion on Wednesday, his name is Elder R from Sacramento Ca. He seems pretty cool. He knows some Russian (meaning exactly that). He learned from Rosetta Stone, (the program that doesn't teach the grammar principles) and some guy he knew who spoke Russian. He is catching on quickly to the grammar so that's great. I have made a lot of new friends with the weee younger elders who just came in. There are three elders from Finland who are WAY cool that I love to hang out with when we have time ( haha ). We are planning a party back in Finland when the mish is all said and done. They said, we are going to sit in the sauna and then do snow angles naked in the freezing cold snow. Sounds rejuvenating...right??? After surviving in Russia for two years I'm sure I can handle it. ...something to look forward to!!(haha) Their names are Elder Huttenen, Koivisto, and Jotiunos…not too sure about their correct spelling. Then there is elder Traasdall from Gilbert in our zone. The thing that sucks is none of the younger elders in my zone are going to Ekat. Oh well. I have the new task of teaching these weee younger elders the ways of four square etiquette. Yes, there is such a thing of four square etiquette. They need to be taught a little class and a few manners when they play. They are coming along but need much improvement... I'm just the guy to teach them. (haha)A funny situation happened with a sister missionary the other day. She asked me how my mother was, it was way awkward, andI'm not sure why she asked me that. I'm still wondering…huh??? That's a sister missionary for ya. (JK) Sister missionaries are cool.... they are very strict sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I keep every little rule in the book, but there is a point where some go over board and make up their own little rules. There is still room to have fun while you're on the mish.I am going to tell you about an experience I had yesterday, or I should say…ANOTHER LEARNING EXPERIENCE...a particular elder and I were notified about five minutes before we had to teach a lesson. This was frustrating because it's important you go into these lessons extremely prepared. Our lesson still needed work because Elder (blank) wanted more time for his personal study. I got somewhat frustrated because we made a goal to have our lesson done by Saturday evening and it wasn't finished until Monday morning. So, here I go again!! I made the choice of letting my frustrations and impatience's take over and get to me, instead of turning to the Lord for help and relying on the spirit for direction and guidance I let the situation get to me. Later that evening my teacher took me out of the room to apologize for scheduling us to teach and not telling us. I explained I wasn't frustrated at him just at this particular elder. I felt he didn't take the instructions and goals I discussed with him serious enough and he wasn't prepared going into the lesson. My instructor said, I need to me more firm with him. After my one on one with my instructor I was feeling like you know what________!!! I was feeling like doing something to take my mind off it all, like maybe going to see a movie, or maybe playing a video game or two, or going out with some my friends and grabbing some good grub and just hanging out for a few hours…OH WAIT!!!...I forgot where I was for a minute! Okay…since I couldn't do any of those things, I resorted to my residency on bended knee, in prayer, having a conversation with the one who cared, who would listen and understand, the one who would give me direction if I go to Him humbly and ask, I just needed to still my mind long enough to listen. I prayed for what seemed to be a long time, asking for help with the frustration and anger I was feeling because I knew I needed to let it go in order to feel the spirit. It's somewhat tricking to constantly live and think the way you need to in order to have the spirit as a constant companion. Although I prayed for what seemed to be forever, pleading with the Lord for a change of heart and to let my anger and frustration go. I still went to bed with my head in the wrong place, but I know my prayer was answered because when I woke this morning my mind was clear and I felt at peace. I didn't care anymore and I was back to my positive attitude. I spoke to this paticular elder and explained the importance of striving to keep the goals we set. He agreed and it's been a great day. I think this all happened because I prayed that we could work together and have the spirit. Having the spirit is crucial on a mission and every second you don't is a waste of time. I didn't have the spirit last night until I prayed and asked for help and talked it over with this paticular elder…ANOTHER LESSON WELL LEARNED. (I know the Lord is testing my patients by giving me different situations because He knows I really need it in order to become a better missionary…kind of like going through a refinery process. Not fun, but necessary.)I just want everyone to know I love them and to make good choices. And for those serving missions or preparing to serve...REMEMBER it's important to have the spirit with you at all times, it will make your time more productive and worthwhile. I love you all. Take care and be safe. Sorry my story was kind long and boring.Love,CT Dewey.

Dallas Rowley

Well, I am sending this in text form to Sis. Wells. I am in California spending some time with the family. I am so excited, very ready, and very prepared to leave for my mission. I report to the MTC on the 18th of June. So this will be my last letter from home. I wish you all well. Dallas Rowley

Blake Smith

Hey, whats up everyone? Well the biggest news is I got my mission call. I will be serving in the Argentina Mendoza mission and I report to the MTC on September 10th. I am so excited to go out into the mission field and to start to teach the people of Argentina. I will be going through the temple soon and I am so excited. I want to thank all of you for being such a good example to me. Well I can't wait to join all of you in the mission field. Have a great month! Blake Smith