Elder Max Crandall Washington, Everett Mission September 2007 - 2009
Hola! Bienvenido a la carte de Elder Crandall! I'm basically chillin like a polar bear. It's about 50 to 60 degrees here during the day. We*ve been working extremely hard which, I guess, is the point of missionary work. Every day we tract for about an hour and then we spend the rest of our day with appointments. We drive a sick 2004 tan Corolla. It's the illest to say the least. Members feed us every night. They have a calendar and sign up but recently they lost the calendar. We were bitter toward the Relief Society for a while they didn't even Relief, but we told the Carreon's about our situation and Sister Carreon cried. The Carreon's don't speak much English but own a awesome Mexican restaurant in town. They told us to come to La Casita anytime we want and eat for free! It's dang good and I'm gaining weight and, yes, I know I'm incredibly blessed! There is so much work to be done, all we have to do is ask the Lord to help us recognize it. I love you guys.
Elder Crandall
From Elder Mike Kleinman
Hey everyone!Everything is going great here in Cordoba, Argentina still. I have a new companion now named Elder Wilkins from Payson, UT. Hes a great guy and a total movie freak so we get along just fine. He ends his mission in two months though so hes what we call a little "trunky." But still, the work is going great down here and I love it more everyday. Although it is now humid like no other down here now, and it really takes a toll on you afterr a while hah. I also forgot to tell you that I can cook like a total champ now! I can make the best beef steak and ravioli you've ever tasted! This mission is wonderful and I'm extremely grateful to be able to serve my Lord here in San Fran. I would also like to give my salutations to Former Elder Alex Clark by saying: "Tu es muerte?" Wow. That really hurt saying that now, its just so wrong! Anyway, I'm also really glad to hear that Jimmy got his call to NY, NY. I know that is going to be awesome. Well, I hope all is going well with you guys! Sorry I haven't really written any letters to you all individually, they keep you pretty busy here, even on your Pdays. But I'll try to be better! Remember to always put your trust in the Lord and "...He shall direct thy paths." (Prov. 3:6)
*Cia*!Elder Kleinman
From Elder Grant Huish
Hey everybody,I*ve seen a whole lot of you up here at the MTC. It*s been pretty cool though not the most exciting time in my life. I can*t wait to get out in the field. I already got my flight plans so that*s pretty exciting. I leave here on the 7th of November. The best thing to do at the MTC is go to the RC. You*ll find out what that is when you get here, if you don*t already know. Well my friends good luck to you all. Have fun with whatever you are up to right now.
Elder Grant Huish
From Elder Jeff Stoker
Dear Elders, So I am still here at the good old MTC. Trying to study hard, because I know that in less than a month I will be thrown into Russia. But things are going pretty good here. Most if not all of you know what it is like here, and I really don*t have anything new to tell you about it. Except the fact that Dan Gary and Grant are now here with me. But anyways, things are going good here, and I can*t wait to get into the field. So it seems like all the exciting stuff is going on back home. VALLEY VIEW IS SPLIT! I am sure all of you know this, but I just wanted to let you all know that I am glad to be on a mission right now. Hah. But anyways, I just read a letter from home that was pretty exciting. My sister Teresa had Beck Stoker on Last Thursday, so I am so excited about that. And also My Sister-in-law Amber is expecting a kid now, and she is about 2 months along. How crazy is that. And to top all of that off Annie L backed up into the Honda FKR! Ha-ha (Annie if you read this, I love you! hah) so that is pretty much all that is going on with me. I wish that I could say that next newsletter I send will be exciting, but I'll still be here in the MTC until the 28th of November. And I think next month I will have to tell you some funny words in Russian. Like the one Garrett showed me before I got here about the word "choir". And if you don*t understand it, don*t worry next letter it will make sense. But I got to go run and do my laundry. (I never thought that would ever come out of my mouth)! Love you all, and I look forward to reading what*s been going on with all of you. Thank you! Have a great month. Love, Elder Stoker
From Elder Garrett Jones
Well I hope all is well at home, it has been another month full of a lot of hard work. I want to tell you something that happened a couple of days before my first transfer meeting a couple of weeks ago. I absolutely loved my first companion, but the thing was he didn't really teach me a whole lot about being a missionary. We just went out and worked and I tried to pick up what I could as we went along. So when I found out I was going to be getting a new companion, I started praying for one who could really teach me how to teach well, how to contact well, and how to be a better missionary. Wow was I blessed! Elder Castellanos (fluent in Spanish, and from Lindsay & Southern, in Mesa!) has taught me more in the last couple weeks than I think I learned in my entire first cycle. I am pretty sure I have learned how to do better in about every thing we do. When we go out we normally try to street contact for a full hour, then tract for a full hour, and then go on to our appointments for the night in between which we street contact. I am starting to get pretty confident during street contacting in my Spanish, even though some of the time I don't understand what they are saying back to me. I just pretend to understand everything, try to answer basically what I think they said, and then go on with teaching them about the Restored Gospel. It*s pretty glorious really. Well, I want you all to know how much I love and miss you. Love, Elder Jones
From Elder Logan Wells
Things were good this past month. Many things happened. Time is flying by so fast, I hit my 3 1/2 month mark, insane. I really cannot believe it. Oh as for the praying I have never prayed so hard in my life and felt so close to my savior.I finally got to drive a car. Can you believe I haven*t driven in over 3 months? It felt so good to drive. I went on a trade off where I went to another area and I was with Elder Opurto, who is from Aruba. He doesn*t have a drivers license, so could not drive. My license is still good, it was so great to drive again. I loved it. Well all is well and things are starting to work out and I am so happy to share this message with the people of Puerto Rico they definitely need it. Last week I went on a trade off with our Zone Leader, Elder Powers. Well they are on a island called Vieques, it took about 1 * hours to get there by boat. I gave my first blessing in Spanish, it was awesome to feel the spirit guide me as I gave it. We had lots of visits to do, and did many things for the members there. After we were done we went to the church building, let me tell you there were HUGE spiders on the wall. They scared me, I wanted to scream and run, and it was so funny because I did exactly that* I screamed and ran. But it was fun. I love hearing from everyone, it makes me not miss home so much. Hey, Chase..when we going to hear from you? Until next month. Peace, Elder Wells
From Elder Scott Ball
Everything is going great here in Italy! I'm serving in Genoa in my first city and the people are so nice here. Its right by the ocean, so we get that nice wind here. American food stinks compared to Italian food. The pizza is sooo good here. Anyways, I have to write my mission president right now, just letting everyone know that I got here safe. Oh, for everyone in the MTC, try to speak your language as much as you can, because I kinda regret not speaking more. I understand everything they say, but I can't properly comunicate back. Anyways, I'm sure it will get easier, I've only been here 6 days. Arividerci, Anziano Ball
From Elder Gary Chambers
Hola Elder y Hermanos!I am feeling pretty awesome here at the Provo MTC. I am sure you all know what I mean...unless of course you don't. Esta bien...So the spanish is pretty much my first language now except for not really. I am pickin up on it pretty fast though, and my companion really helps me speak it (he's a better speaker of spanish than I am..) It's pretty awesome here and I love it! Some news however... I previously assumed I'd be spending all 8 weeks here in the Provo MTC, but my assumptions were wrong. I am going to be shipped to the Dominican Republic CCM on Nov. 1st, and get my remaining training there. How crazy is that? I have seen everyone here at the MTC. I saw Jeff soon after I got here and have seen him repeadly afterwards... We love each other... Don't we Jeff? I saw Grant the day he got here, I have also saw Daniel, so now I have seen them all and can rest in peace. Scotty Ball left me last week, and didn't even say "Good-Bye. This brought me to tears. Oh wait... One more thing before I go, OK, so yesterday was P-Day for me and I learned a lil trick about e-mailing, you're typical "everyone was doing it" situation that I unfortunately decided to take part in. Well lo and behold, my first time doing it, and I get caught by "Big Brother", and he warns me not abuse the program or else I'd lose emailing privileges. Yeah, I'm the only one who got caught, and I am terrified that they were going to make a example of me. Well I was lucky enough to get off with a warning, but the moral of the story is ... DON'T DO ANYTHING YOU WOULDN'T NORMALLY DO! or as Pres. Hinckley puts it... "Don't do anyting stupid!", Ha Ha I love that guy.... Well until next time, Adios.
Sincerely, Elder Chambers
From Elder Brock Smith
What up my Crackas! Pretty crazy the stake split and all that jazz went but it don't really matter for us really. Its awesome to hear all the MTC stories from you guys brings back some sweet memories. I can't believe that its coming up on being one year ago time flies boys so take advantage of it from the beginning and don*t take 7 and a half months to start giving it your all like I did go out there and give em He... aven. What a great work this is it cool to be out in the mission field right now the work is booming and so many are being brought to a knowledge of the truth its amazing how the Lords Hand is truly involved in this work. This week I gained an even stronger testimony that the Lord watches out for us as my hand got slammed by a heavy farm gate that just one month age broke a farmers leg in three places and he*s not expected to ever recover if we are doing the Lord will protect us even from are own stupidity. Also I don*t know how often you get to go to the Temple but since I've been off island I haven*t been since April and next week we get to go I*m so excited I've never been so excited to go to the temple the Lord is teaching me to not take advantage of the Temple being so close and I promise that I never will. It sounds like Max has a sweet comp as well as Garret and all are having a good time. Mike gets to eat what he wants and not gain a pound while I*m trying as hard as I can to lose any weight. But things are going good here looking forward to hearing from you all. By the way Elder Scotts scripture about the food at the MTC was perfect so anyone who is still waiting to enter get ready. And man Elder Stoker if you think that Provo is cold man Russia will kill you at least that*s what one of are Russian investigators tells us so have fun. I love you all and hearing about all your greenie excitement keeps me going keep it coming.! Peace and May the Force Be with You always! Elder Brocky Smith
From Elder Daniel Anderson
Hey everyone! So I'm finally in the mission field as some of you already know,It is so awesome to finally be in the MTC! On my first day I went in with Grant and I have seen him more than anyone else but I saw Scott but I think he left this past week. My first day I had two companions and we are the ONLY 3 SPEAKING HMONG!! Unfortunately after I got to know my companions a little bit they gave me a new companion*his name is Elder Khamsa and he is the only missionary learning Laosian in the MTC so he is all alone*and what do you know they put me with him haha! He is so funny and is a really great guy, I like him a lot. He has been here for 6 weeks already so he is showing me the ropes. Since we don't speak the same language we don*t really understand each other when we pray but we can feel the spirit, and most of the day I am on exchanges with the other two companions that speak Hmong. So pretty much I have two companionships. The first night I ran into Jeff ,it was so exciting,I was practically running to give him a BIG HUG! It was good to see him and, Becky, I gave him another hug just for you haha! It is amazing to see how the Lord has blessed me with learning the language; it is coming so fast!! I can already pray and bear my testimony in Hmong. It's pretty tough to get used to but I love it here. My teachers are great and I really like my district. Oh yeah, Chase, I ran into Patrick the other day and it was really good to see him. We talked for awhile but I haven*t seen him since. The first night in the MTC they asked who could play the piano and about 12 of us raised our hands but for some reason they keep asking me to play the special musical numbers and I had to play in priesthood last Sunday. I hope everything is going well in Mesa. I heard that they split our stake and completely shredded our ward into three different pieces,that is really sad but its okay, it will change again soon. Until next time I hope you all are doing well. I miss you and love you all! Elder Anderson (My MTC Hmong name is Elder Tub Keej which means talented boy or smart boy or skilled boy, whichever you like the most)
From Alex Clark (just returned from Panama, Panama City Mission)
Hope all goes well! I have been home a little more than a week and it's really scary. We just had a ward splitting and stuff. So when I spoke I had to speak two times. I didn't recognize most of the people. It is nice to be home for some nice things like carpet, hot water with pressure, and home cooked meals, but nothing can take place of that wonderful feeling of preaching the gospel. It is nice to be home but like I said, it was wonderful to be preaching. I will share a few sayings that I really like the first goes as follows: "you can count the seeds in an apple but you can*t count the apples in a seed." as missionaries we prepare the field, plant seeds, and harvest the fruit. We don*t decide what part we do. But we need to remember that we don*t know where they will grow. So we need to plant as many seeds as we can whenever and where ever. The second saying is as follows: "you have two years to do it, and an eternity to think about it. Be obedient!" Well that one is pretty self explanatory. Obedience is key to a missionary's success. And one of my favorite chapters of preach my gospel talks about giving an accounting before the lord of all of the opportunities he has given us. That scares me still. Well take advantage of the short time you have in the mission field. Learn as much as possible and talk with everyone. Be safe, be happy, and remember to avoid the food that talks back. Alex the Clark signing in and then out.
FROM Lorin Hendricks
Hi, This is Lorin, reporting in from BYU. I have been having all sorts of fun up here (and I mean all sorts). Midterms are fun (hahaha). I had two on Tuesday alone. I can also honestly say that I AM SICK AND TIRED OF READING TEXTBOOKS! I can't really complain though, I have been having some fun and I get to do a lot of stuff in my classes other that study. I got to visit the campus machine shop then make some stuff on the lathe and milling machine.In my bio class I got trained to take blood pressure (among other things) and I then got a field trip to St. George and volunteer at the senior games there. I took allot of people's blood pressure and even though it sounds boring I had a lot of fun.Even with all the tests I have been taking I have been doing pretty well. I have managed to somehow keep my average test scores above the B range into the B+ and A- range. On a sad note, my computer died a month ago and is being repaired right now and so I am using the library's computers to write this and every thing else. It wouldn't be so bad, but I have an 8 page paper due in two weeks. As you can imagine I will clock a lot of hours in the library. I would write about the awesome stuff in Provo, but without a car I have left campus twice in the last two months.I have to say that I am really enjoying BYU. Everyone is very nice,and (besides the high marriage rate the class schedule) everything is so laid back. I the one thing I wish I could change am that there are four things to do here. Eat, sleep, study and socialize. There is time for two, maybe three. To do anything else requires taking time off of the rest. With classes the way they are I end up not eating, sleeping, or socializing very much. I would write more but it is almost midnight and they kick us out of the library at midnight and I still have a lot of studying to go if I want to go to sleep tonight. See you all late (possibly this Christmas, unless you are on a mission in which case I won't see you for a long time) Lorin (I just realized that I might not see all of you because I am now in the Avalon ward when I get back to Mesa. in which case we will have to keep using the newsletter)
From Chase Judd
Well Ihave decided to join a group of pirates since all of my friends are gone so sorry Ihave not been writing. I have learned many great things since being alone for over 3 weeks now, such as, mastering the art of Halo 3, becoming best friends with my Broher, and destroying everyone at Rook. I know these may seem kind of odd but its my life now and im getting used to it. I start my mission papers this sunday so I am very excited about that. Well its a saturday night and i didn't get to carve a pumpkin on halloween so im going to go do that now i love and miss you all! GG GB.